Supporting Employees Through Parental Leave & Beyond
In this guide, we provide insight into how to develop a leading parental leave program by addressing three key areas – Organisations, Managers and Employees. We highlight ‘leading practices’ so that organisations can implement successful strategies and support parents to be, employees on parental leave and working parents.
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Why this is important
The future of work is here. We're at a time where companies are seeking to invest in building more flexible and empathetic workplaces because not only does the evidence show the positive impact on the triple bottom line for organisations, but the wider Australian economy.
With these diverse and modern workforces emerging, one burning issue remains on HR agendas: "how can we better support working parents for greater talent engagement and retainment in our businesses, and ultimately the Australian labour market?"
It's no longer just 'nice' to have these progressive policies, but now a necessity with the pandemic forcing organisations to rethink strategy and culture within siloed hybrid workforces.
How triiyo helps
We put people at the heart of conversations about technology and look at how we can use innovation to drive connectivity in the workforce for increased retention post transitions, such as parental leave.
We believe there is great opportunity in harnessing technology solutions to improve our human connection. Work is changing, life is evolving, but one fact remains, which is that humans are driven by connection and never more so in a rapidly changing world.
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At some point in our lives, almost everyone who works will need time away from their job to care for themselves or someone they love. A new baby, an aging parent, a sick family member, a startling diagnosis: these are constraints of life. Workers want to know that when the inevitable happens, they’ll be able to stay connected to their jobs and maintain some financial security.
- Melinda French Gates, TIME
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